Fundraising in the Times of Covid

Faced with a global health crisis and economic upheaval, SMOs are experiencing significant challenges in their approaches to resource development. This workshop held in June 2020 invited participants on a facilitated learning journey to explore their organization’s current situation, pivot their fundraising activities and design a way forward. Preparatory materials are available for consultation.

Meet the trainers

Hugh Brewster – Transforming Faces, Executive Director

Hugh is an experienced organizational capacity-builder, grant-maker, learning facilitator and leadership coach. He currently leads a Toronto-based NGO that supports local health teams in Africa, Asia, and South America. In his spare time, Hugh enjoys chasing flying discs, competing in Ultimate tournaments locally and internationally.

W. Clayton Rowe – The Saben Group, Senior Partner

Clayton uses his gifts as innovator, collaborator, facilitator, educator, and coach to cultivate the well-being of leaders, organizations, and communities. Since 2000, he has invested in organizations serving Vancouver, Winnipeg, Hamilton, Toronto, and Montreal. During his down time, he loves to travel, see great international and art-house films, and volunteer in his community.

Training Webinar Video

During this interactive and reflective workshop, participants engaged in their learning by:

> Exploring crisis fundraising opportunities
> Reflecting on lessons learned following the 2008 Great Recession
> Assessing their organization’s current funding position
> Realigning 2020 fundraising goals
> Reflecting on donor expectations
> Examining online fundraising “good practices”
> Creating an action plan for moving forward

Fundraising Resources

The following materials were created by The Saben Group and Kabisa and are available to download.