Risk Management Training 2023

About the Course

The environment in which organizations operate is constantly changing. In order to equip Canadian SMOs, the Spur Change program, in collaboration with Aléas, is offering training on Organizational Risk Management. One of the lessons learned from the pandemic situation is that it is essential to fully understand the risks in order to better deal with them.

By referring to the risks associated with travel incurred by organizations, Aléas will enable organizations to equip themselves with the means and procedures to identify, analyze and deal with these risks. All of the elements discussed during the asynchronous and synchronous sessions are applicable to the entire organizational risk taxonomy. The homework and discussions will address other categories such as reputational, financial, or IT risks. Thus, all organizations will find the right fit during the training.

Originally offered as an English only training in Fall 2023, these sessions were held online in collaboration with ACGC. A French in-person training is currently planned for early 2024. The previous Risk Training from 2021 and the French materials are available below.

Objectives of training:

  • Draft an overview of the organization’s practices related to crisis management.
  • Identify the priorities to address to manage crises effectively.
  • Improve organizational capacities to:
    • Identify and analyze risks to implement appropriate mitigation measures,
    • Develop diligent partnerships,
    • Make informed decisions based on the organization’s risk threshold,
    • Understand scenario-based planning and use it to develop contingency plans.
  • Improve risk management practices keeping personnel safe, secure, and healthy when abroad.

About the facilitator:

Marie-Claude founded Aléas by combining her passion for international travels, her creativity and her thirst for developing new projects.

MC has 15 years of experience in decision-making positions. She has forged her expertise by working in the fields of international logistics, program development and risk management. Her experience, tinged with international cooperation and solidarity, allows her to lead her team towards achieving results and guaranteeing outstanding service to her clients.

Module 1

Managing Organizational Risks:

Understand organizational risks of sending people overseas. Introduction to the legal and normative frameworks. Begin the assessment of crisis management practices.

Module 1 provides an introduction to risk management as well as ISO31000, a family of standards relating to risk management codified by the International Organization for Standardization.

The second recording in Module 1 will address risk taxonomy, operational risks: TRM, and the legal and normative frameworks.

Module 2

Module 2 Risk Analysis:

Learn how to perform a robust risk assessment to meet your organization’s risk appetite. Introduction to scenario-based planning.

Module 2 will address your organization’s risk appetite that will be explored through a risk management process, risk assessment, and lastly the risk register.

The second recording will explore scenario-based planning and the bow-tie method.

Module 3

Module 3 Effective Crisis Management:

Improve crisis management practices by implementing a protocol and using standard operating procedures. Use scenario-based planning to gain organizational resilience and develop appropriate contingency plans

Module 3 will introduce you to crisis management and the classification of differing emergencies. A Crisis cell and its members’ roles will be explored alongside proper communication procedures.

Lastly, recording 2 will introduce the SOP tools in tandem with contingency plans, debriefing, and TRM culture with its related best practices.

Video passwords: AleasSC2023!