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Risk Management Training 2023

About the Course The environment in which organizations operate is constantly changing. In order to equip Canadian SMOs, the Spur Change program, in collaboration with Aléas, is offering training on Organizational Risk Management. One of the lessons learned from the...

Let’s Chat: RBM and Gender Equity

The Spur Change team invited small and medium sized organizations (SMOs), and other interested sector participants across Canada and abroad, to take part in a conversation series with SMO speakers in our first Let's Chat series. Selected SMO Speakers shared...

Spur Change 2023 SMO Report

Small and medium-sized organizations (SMOs) have long played a critical role within Canada’s international cooperation landscape. The ability of SMOs to emerge and thrive in many ways is contingent upon the environment within which they are established. An environment with...

Spur Change 2022 SMO Report

In the last two years, Canadian small and medium-sized organizations (SMOs) have had to significantly adapt to the changing context of the unfolding pandemic. While some organizations struggled to shift in this fast-paced changing reality, others thrived and exhibited impressive...

Spur Change 2021 SMO Report

2020 was an unprecedented year for the world and for the international cooperation sector. COVID-19 affected all operational parts of SMOs, but Spur Change commissioned a study to see how SMOs have adapted and shown resilience in the face of...

Risk Management Training 2021: improve organizational readiness at managing crisis using scenario-based planning

Please note that the most recent version of this course was offered in November 2023 and is available in the link below: Risk Management 2023 About the Course Improve your organizational readiness! The global crisis due to the coronavirus has...

RBM 201 Applying Results-Based Management: An Intermediate Course

About the Course Strengthen your capacities in Results-Based Management! RBM 201 contributes to a better understanding of RBM through application of the concepts learned during RBM 101 Practising Results-Based Management: An Introductory Course.  Originally offered in partnership with each provincial...

RBM 101 Practicing Results-Based Management: An Introductory Course

About the course This self-paced eLearning course covers basic Results-Based Management (RBM) concepts, how it can be applied, and provides participants with hands-on practice using some key RBM tools. This course is out-of-this world as it uses gamification, storytelling and...

Risk Management: Module 3, Recording 2


Risk Management: Module 3, Recording 1


Risk Management: Module 2, Recording 2


Risk Management: Module 2, Recording 1


Risk Management: Module 1, Recording 2


Risk Management: Module 1, Recording 1


Let’s Chat Recording: Ray


Let’s Chat Recording: Roxana


Let’s Chat Recording: Danielle


Let’s Chat: Measuring Change in the Field of Gender Inequality and Gender-Based Violence


Recording: SMO Report 2023 Launch Webinar


Risk Training: Module 3


Risk Training: Module 2


Risk Training: Module 1


RBM 101: Practicing Results-Based Management: Sneak Peek Video


RBM 101: An Introductory Course – Exclusive Intergalactic Interview