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Building Equity: Resource Mobilization for Impact
Small and Medium Organizations Impact Journey
Spur Change 2023 SMO Report
Project Implementation Plan (PIP) Training
RBM 101 Practicing Results-Based Management: An Introductory Course
Gender Learning Series: Session 1
Gender Learning Series: Session 2
Micro-Learning Sessions on Baseline Survey
Risk Analysis & Contingency Plans
Testing Innovative Solutions with a Gender Lens: Presentation
Presented in collaboration with FIT (The Fund for Innovation and Transformation), FIT shared some gender tools, approaches and lessons learned to better support SMOs seeking to test innovative solutions that advance gender equality. SMOs presented their experience in testing innovative solutions with a gender lens.
Testing Innovative Solutions with a Gender Lens: Video
Presented in collaboration with FIT (The Fund for Innovation and Transformation), FIT shared some gender tools, approaches and lessons learned to better support SMOs seeking to test innovative solutions that advance gender equality. SMOs presented their experience in testing innovative solutions with a gender lens. NOTE: Mostly in French, technical difficulties with the simultaneous translation recording.
Risk Analysis & Contingency Plans – Module 1: Risk Management (Risk Taxonomy)
In collaboration with Aleas, this tool provides information as to how to establish a comprehensive, common and stable taxonomy. The tool also aims to provide analytical leads to assess an organization’s overall risks.
Risk Analysis & Contingency Plans – Module 1: Risk Management (Legal Framework)
In collaboration with Aleas, this information sheet provides information about the legal framework of organizations’ duty of care, defence of due diligence and additional information.
Risk Analysis & Contingency Plans – Module 1: Risk Management (Operationalized)
In collaboration with Aleas, this information sheet is a visual representation of a safety plan of international activities between governance, prevention and crisis management.