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Risk Management Training 2021: improve organizational readiness at managing crisis using scenario-based planning
Project Implementation Plan (PIP) Training
Gender Learning Series: Session 1
PSEA Code of Conduct to Prevent and Respond to Sexual Violence
Making Data Collection Meaningful: 2024 Cohort
Spur Change 2024 SMO Report
Building Equity: Resource Mobilization for Impact
Share & Learn: I’m a Global Citizen
Share & Learn: On Advocacy by Teachers
Spur Change 2023 SMO Report
Unit 3 | Explore Innovations
Unit 2 | Part B: Strong Relations with Your Donors
Unit 2 | Part A: Mobilizing Communications
Unit 1 | Part B: Fundraising Team and Techniques
Unit 1 | Part A: Introduction to Fundraising
Spur Change 2022 SMO Report
Spur Change 2021 SMO Report
RBM 201 Applying Results-Based Management: An Intermediate Course
Share & Learn : When Awareness Rhymes with Playfulness
Share & Learn: Fostering Empathy and Design Thinking with the SDGs
Teacher Share & Learn Series – Harnessing Literature’s Potential
Teacher Share & Learn Series
Teacher Share & Learn Series – Gender Equity in the Classroom
Global Citizenship Education in Online and Hybrid Classrooms
RBM 101 Practicing Results-Based Management: An Introductory Course
Gender Learning Series: Session 2
Making Data Collection Meaningful
Risk Analysis & Contingency Plans
Youth Champions Program: Information Session
Spur Change 2020 SMO Report
Micro-Learning Sessions on Baseline Survey
Risk Training: Module 3
Risk Training: Module 2
Risk Training: Module 1
Getting Started: Training Package for All SMO
Putting Feminist MEAL into Practice: Training video
How to apply feminist principles to monitoring, evaluation, accountability and learning (MEAL) practice? How does the empowerment of women translate to project monitoring? Using feminist approaches to MEAL could increase access to knowledge and consequently, it could be a powerful tool to transform unequal power relations. This learning session involved presentations from Oxfam Canada, Plan Canada and MEDA.
PSEA Code of Conduct – Best Practices Relative to Training on Sexual Violence
On August 28, 2019, AQOCI, the ICN, and Spur Change organized a webinar on Preventing Sexual Exploitation and Abuse / Preventing and Responding to Sexual Violence.
RBM 201: Worksheets
RBM 201: Participant Manual
RBM 201: Activity Book
RBM 201: Module 3
RBM 201: Module 2
RBM 201: Module 1
GCE Serving Sustainable Development and Ecological Justice
RBM 101: Practicing Results-Based Management: Sneak Peek Video
RBM 101: An Introductory Course – Exclusive Intergalactic Interview
RBM 101: Practicing Results-Based Management: An Introductory Course
Communications and social media skills
This presentation was given as part of the training of the 2020 Youth Champion Leader program. The objective was to share general principles on communication for social change and share examples of successful social media campaigns.
Engaging people in person on your global issue
In collaboration with OCIC and its Youth Policy-Makers Hub, this presentation was given as part of the training of the 2020 Youth Champion Leader program. The objective was to share general principles and concrete experiences around organizing in-person public engagement and global citizenship education activities.
Engaging people virtually on your global issue: Strategy and Narratives
In collaboration with Elena Mejía Julca, this presentation was given as part of the training of the 2020 Youth Champion Leader program. The objective was to share general principles and concrete experiences around advocacy and youth engagement on global issues.
Bibliography and Resources
In collaboration with Salanga, the bibliography and resources handout is a compilation of M&E and gender-sensitive resources from the National Training 2020.
Making Data Collection Meaningful – Module: Video
Module 4: Technology for Data Collection Video the National Training focuses Technology for data collection including analyzing and reporting results and examples of how technology can support data collection
Technology for Data Collection Presentation Slides
Module 4: Technology for Data Collection Presentation of the National Training focuses Technology for data collection including analyzing and reporting results.
Making Data Collection Meaningful – Module: Community-led Data Collection Video
Module 3: Community-led Data Collection Video of the National Training focuses on community-led approaches that can keep catalyzing positive behaviour of people beyond the time frame and scope of a project.
MEL Design Worksheet
In collaboration with Salanga, this worksheet helps to guide decisions around what are the key data sources, what methods are the most efficient / suitable to capture data from these sources, and what approach we should consider in the next stage of proposal development.
Community-led Data Collection Presentation Slides
Module 3: Community-led Data Collection Slides of the National Training focuses on community-led approaches that can keep catalyzing positive behaviour of people beyond the time frame and scope of a project.
Planning for Data Collection Presentation Slides
Module 1: Planning for Data Collection of the National Training goes over the planning stages within a project cycle for data collection
Planning for Data Collection Case Study
Module 1 of the National Training goes over the planning stages within a project cycle for data collection.